#Jelly defense wave mode driver
Tip: Burst down the Slave Driver and ignore the Effigy (or kite them apart). Killing the Effigy is unnecessary, and it will respawn after a few seconds. A Flame Legion Effigy will spawn after 10 seconds.The champion Slave Driver performs rapid, single-target attacks with its whip.Use a reflect skill to neutralize the turrets' attacks.Use a pull to group the fanatics onto a turret and burst them down.Kill the 2 Elite Godforged Fanatics and destroy the 2 Flame Legion Turrets.Route of Ferrah's Path through the Citadel of Flame Help Ferrah enter the Flame Legion Foundry 80 Tales of Dungeon Delving as bonus for the first completion per path per day.20 Tales of Dungeon Delving for the successful completion of a path.Bonus Gold (first time each day per account).70% experience towards the next character level.Take the outpost from the Flame Legion forces.Light all of the torches to clear the way.Sneak through the Undercroft to ambush the Flame Legion.Accompany Rhiannon through the undercroft.Destroy the Eternal Flame and kill the acolytes.Prevent Gaheron Baelfire's resurrection.Defend Magg while he applies the explosives.Use Magg's flame extinguisher to put out fires.Bring Magg the bombs to defuse the trap.Gather components for Magg's explosives.Head deeper into the Flame Legion stronghold.

Accompany Magg into Flame Legion territory.Victory! The Flame Legion has been defeated.Find a way into the Enkindling Chamber.

Return to the Citadel of Flame immediately and make sure the Flame Legion doesn't burn down Tyria. There are also dark rumors (are there any other kind?) that the Flame Legion is desperate to turn the tide, and when zealots get desperate, they become dangerous. Flame Legion factions are now conspiring to unify their forces to assault the beleaguered Pact soldiers who are holding the zealots in check. Gaheron's death has delivered a blow to the Flame Legion, though many of his followers refuse to surrender.